Friday, May 29, 2009


Not like I have time for this...but apparently it's my cross to bear. Those darn DENSE FOLK just needed for us to revive the old blog.

Hello new readers, not like we had old ones but hey! So this is the only collaborative blog that has ever come out of this household. A few of the old links in these former posts aren't active...we'll have tech support take care of that asap.

So here we are...dedicated to the the futility of our modern lives and the cast of characters that make THE IGNORANT the fastest growing demographic in the world.

Rah Rah for THE STUPID!!

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Those crazy Austrians

This either an example of life imitating art or art imitating life. Or just one big frat party.


Liquid Art?

Not sure who's the dense one here...artist or thirsty guy?


Saturday, August 27, 2005

Just stop

Enough with the cats already.



It happpened. The A.I. have finally taken over.



When are Bad A** rockers not Bad A** rockers!


Ah, the wonder of the internet

It makes things like this possible.


Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Yes they are.

Ok, maybe "stupid" is a harsh word. Maybe it's just that they're smart people doing stupid things. Or maybe these things make sense to everyone but me, and I'm the stupid one. In any event, you know you've thought it yourself, more than once a day, so don't go getting offended-like. Look at it this way, when you hear about something like this, or this or even this, it makes you laugh or at least chuckle. So in that sense, stupidity makes the world a happy place. Hence the bliss.

And you'll be pleased to know that we are equal opportunity when it comes to stupidity. Tall, short, black, white, old and young are all included because stupidity knows no bounds. So here again, don't think of the word "stupid" as a negative. Stupidity = unity...or something like that.

Anyhow, here is my first example. And my response to this? "Yes, Diddy, that' s it. Your P was getting between us. It was your P that kept me from being a fan."


People are stupid!

I couldn't resist any longer. This had to be done. In the future I will contribute candid, likely inappropriate and possibly lengthy commentary on personal and public stories I may stumble upon throughout the course of my often humorous existence that best exemplifies DENSE FOLK.
(run on sentence?)

Carrie and I will be collaborating on this observation of vacuous human behavior. If you are so compelled, please send your submissions so that we may include them in this online group therapy session.

Let there be stupidity.
